Monday, June 14, 2010
|6:40 AM|
Teenage Nightmare
The Beauty and the Beast, Cinderella, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Why can’t every story be like this? Why can’t my story have interesting plot twists, wild fantasies, I would even be happy with seven small midgets! Okay, maybe not. Why can’t my story begin with a once upon a time and end in a happily ever after? I guess that’s just the life of a teenager huh; however the good thing is that this is the last year of high school, every kid’s dream, leaving high school and heading off to fantastic university, just for additional study! Hurray!
"Mum!, I don't think I can go to school today!, I've got a bad headache!" (I didn't really have a headache, but I just think the first day of school is a waste of time, deep down in my heart I knew I had to go anyway)
"You're going anyway! it's your first day of school so get changed and leave or else your grounded for a month!". Shouted Mum (heh...typical asian mum, using grounding as a punishment)
(Monday, the most exciting day of the week, a whole week of school. If you didn't know, I was being sarcastic.)
I got out of bed and got changed in jeans and a plain white shirt I got off my messed up floor and slammed the door on my way out.
Remembering what life is.....
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